Now that you have a great title, how do you write descriptions for your talk or presentation? Again, it’s about framing the ideas for the organizer to say yes, which means using the Red Thread.
How to Title a TEDx Talk – EP:097
When we’re trying to title a TEDx talk, we need to make sure it fits a format the organizer expects. If you look at the top 20 titles of TED talks, you’ll notice that none of them use the “Name: Subtitle” format.
Presenting Without Slides or Notes – EP:091
Presenting without slides or notes can happen by accident or on purpose, but how do you do it? It’s not about memorization, but internalization.
Why you need to write your own rules
For years, Content Marketing World—the world’s largest content marketing conference—was the one conference I couldn’t get on the schedule for.
How to Overcome Shyness and Stage Fright – EP082
Shyness and stage fright are part of our flight or fight response, but how can we overcome them? The first step is to know that it’s normal.